This 'n That: Jeff's Blog
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Tweet Dreams!
may be all the rage among certain elements, especially journalists, technocrats and marketing execs focused on B to C.
But Twitter is neither much used nor viewed to be of much use in the B-to-B sector. That's my conclusion from comments
by several executives. Here's what two said in reply to my email request that they retweet a Twitter post: - I
don't tweet - don't know how to - don't really have the time to figure it out or stay on top of it. I have trouble keeping
up with my regular media requirements .... Sorry about that. -a principal in the wealth management division of a financial
advisory firm
- Was going to check out the tweets before responding, but have lost my password to
twitter....and I am so lame in the twitter department. -a director of communications at a securities rating agency
Here also is how two more responded to four questions about how they and their companies
used Twitter: - No to all four questions, Jeff. I guess I am a fossil, but I have not Tweeted yet -
president of a New York area public relations agency with financial services clients, responding to the following:
- Do you now or have you ever tweeted?
- Do you regularly or have you ever accessed Twitter
to read tweets?
- Is Twitter an effective means of communicating for clients with end audiences and/or with journalists?
- Do your clients or potential clients ask you whether to communicate via Twitter? If so, what do you tell them?
- De minimus or slight, insignificant use-That's my interpretation of the following reply received from the marketing director of a law firm with a Tier 1
(highest) ranking in the 2013 edition of U.S. News & World Report's "Best Law Firms."
- Do
you now or have you ever tweeted for yourself or for your firm? For myself, but rarely.
- Do
you regularly or have you ever accessed Twitter to read tweets? I do not tweet regularly and rarely
access it to read tweets
- Is Twitter an effective means of communicating for your company with end audiences
and/or with journalists? We don't use it much, so I can't say if it would be effective.
- Have
your firm's attorneys shown interest to you about communicating via Twitter in connection with practice development?
If so, what do you tell them? Only one. He has been tweeting for a while (well over a year)
and doesn't find it helps his practice grow.
that's a small sampling. But the comments suggest there is still a lot of proselytizing for Twitter advocates to do.
In the meantime, Tweet Dreams! -- Jeff Bogart
1:56 pm edt
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