This 'n That: Jeff's Blog
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Winter Recall I recall when I worked as a reporter for UPI in Kansas City seeing a story about
an American Indian with a dire prognostication. He warned that if America landed a man on the moon it would
change Earth's weather patterns. Looking at today's heavy snowstorm plus global warming, it seems as though he was right.
Just who was that medicine man, anyway?
Jeff Bogart
7:04 pm est
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Fashion Note Despite
near-zero outdoor temperatures and wind chill values as low as 15 below zero, I spotted only three guys who arrived wearing
sweaters, and just one more wearing a vest, under their jackets at today's ACG New York Sports M&A luncheon
at the Union League Club attended by almost 80 people. Brr!
Jeff Bogart
5:54 pm est
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